on the wall art!

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“Artistic growth is, more than it is anything else,

a refining of the sense of truthfulness.
The stupid believe that to be truthful is easy:
only the artist, the great artist, knows how difficult it is.”
Willa Cather

welcome to zarafa's art blog

this is a blog for and about women and their art + from where it flows,

“... attempting to draw a linear history of woman
from pre-history Africa and the Mediterranean Basin,
including the Amazon’s warriors of legend and beyond
eventually arriving at our modern -day lives,
We are attempting to draw a clear and concise picture
of woman's importance
within the fundamental mechanics of civilization
as it relates to her, ...through her body rhythms, her menstruation cycle,
her flows governed by the pull of the moon...
...her relationship to the universe and the concept of time,
...the calendar, and cycles of the tides, including food and
decoration, when our menstrual blood was the first paint
and the quest to replicated it, and the search
...finding it laying under the earth’s
crust next to iron ore..
....and so she brought mankind out of the
Stone- age and into the Iron- age...

... DNA lives through us.

We are a magical and extraordinary,
our beings, en-coded with the deepest secrets of the universe!!!
this is an attempt to continue the universal conversation ...
and allow us to see ourselves in the context of world history....
...and the acknowledgment of ourselves as the chosen holder of life,
with spirit, grace, compassion, love ...

OUR JOURNEY is about to begin
the woman warrior, the artist.....the mathematician...
The search for our truth... our coming out of the shadows...
...and into the moonlight.
Menstruation Diaries

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...
Marianne Williamson

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